Jack's Journal (10/3)

Defining Enough

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Defining Enough

We often praise resiliency, high work ethic, and other attributes that associate with going the extra mile. Think about your job, health, social life, and what not.

Why? Is there a bigger prize for reaching your goals faster?

Now I’m not telling you to not shoot for the stars, nor is this a iT’s NoT aBoUt ThE dEsTiNaTiOn It’S tHe JoUrNeY speech…

I’m genuinely curious if you’ve looked in the mirror, wrote down, or spoke with your spouse what “enough” looks like.

Let me share what I mean through a few conversations I had this week.

The Paradox of Consistency


I spoke to a guy who has it all. Early 30’s, high paying tech job, married, beautiful home (with a great interest rate btw), stable lifestyle, lives in a safe nieghborhood, vibrant social life, great health, you get it.

He said it perfectly, “We have everything we have ever wanted…but I’m more confused and uncertain than I’ve ever been. Life is boring and predictable.”

We chase consistency. We come up with these arbitrary milestones, make them actionable or turn them into goals. Build routines, make daily choices, and put ourselves in positions to hit those goals, but then what?

Is it best to just blow it all up? Make radical changes like a new city or job?

Personally, I wouldn’t do those things. But only you can answer what’s “enough” for you.

But Then What?

I was waiting at my gate yesterday when a woman in her mid-30’s approached me, she introduced herself, shared a lot of very kind & encouraging words about Habits and our TikTok content.

“I’m rooting for you guys, I’m in private equity and I think it’s only a matter of time before you sell big and get to move on to the next thing!”

I’d be lying to you if I didn’t have a number in my head. The one I’d be proud to see in the bank account, but then what? Am I supposed to be on vacation for the rest of my life? Or run it back and risk it all at a bigger scale?

Personally, I love to work and a busy lifestyle, but I define enough by my ability to control my time. That’s what makes me happy and fulfilled.


I met this late-30yr old through Habits. She wakes up at 4am every day, works out, plays with her cat, journals, makes a big breakfast and does all of this before work.

“I am so in tune with what makes me happy, I love my lifestyle, and very content with everything. The problem is I know I’ll eventually want to change things up. And financially I’m nervous what that may require.”

I have no shame in sharing that I have a financial advisor, therapist, performance coach, and a long list of mentors. Why? Because it’s very difficult to be in tune with everything in our lives. Things slip through the cracks.

Knowing when to ask for help, finding those experts, and delegating or automating their advice is the way to go. Hence why I was inspired to launch Habits.

Key Takeaway’s

I’m no psychologist, but this idea of “what is enough” is easily the most common theme in the 2,000+ conversations I’ve had through Habits. And it doesn’t discriminate on age, gender, tax bracket, race, political alignment, religion, etc.

Take 10min this week and write down the five things you want in this world.

I’d be curious to hear what they are and if I have the power to help in any way. Feel free to share through my email ([email protected]).

Find Your Financial Advisor

If you’re somebody on the sidelines or are not sure if a financial advisor makes sense for you or your family, just shoot me an email at [email protected].

Or… visit our website and book time with us!

Thanks for reading, Habits fam. See you back here next week for more.