Dear Boomers...

Millennials & Gen Z are doing WORSE than our parents in their 30s

Weekly Trivia

Data Source: 2023 Harvard Study

How much did the average home in 2023 cost?

The average home in 2019 cost $290,000

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This week I had the pleasure of pitching a large, well known, financial institution. The topic? Younger generations are different. A lot different.

Let me explain the basis of my presentation….

Millennials & Gen Z Have Every Right To Be Angry At Older Generations

Digital natives are the first generation(s) to have direct access to data, information, and communities. Great, right?

On the contrary, they constantly see someone doing better and everday it is speedballed in their face.

The Data

2016 study from Harvard-based research initiative Opportunity Insights

Over 60% of people aged 30-34 had one child in 1990, but in 2024 less than 27% have children.

Housing prices have gone from $290k to $420k in the last four years.

College is more expensive than ever and growing faster than the rate of inflation.

Meanwhile, it’s nearly impossible to get ahead. The largest two tax deductions are capital gains and mortgage interest. Both of which benefit older and wealthier generations.

What Scares Me The Most?

Kids are more anxious, depressed, obese and addicted than ever.

Why I Started Habits

For decades, younger generations have been plagued with the ideology that a financial advisor is too expensive, foolish, and not accessible until you have millions in the bank.

I’m on a mission to change that and have spent the last 3 years speaking to over 1,500+ financial advisors and over 2,000+ millennial families.

My Key Takeaway

I think many of us between the ages of 20-40 feel this immense fear of falling behind the pack. The quickest way to level up is to get professional help. That’s why we created Habits.

Thanks for reading, Habits fam. See you back here next week for more.


Got feedback? Hit reply and tell me what you think…I’m always looking to level up.